Social and economic efficiency of implementation of pastile products made from unconventional raw materials in the hospitality field

Autor: Olena Sokolovska, Anastasia Kornitskaya, Olha Bilovska, Anna Krivtsova, Anna Radchenko, Yana Biletska, Tetyana Afanasieva
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: ScienceRise, Iss 2, Pp 101-106 (2021)
ISSN: 2313-8416
Popis: In the context of the deteriorating environmental situation, scientists are faced with the urgent task of improving the quality of food. One way is to reduce the carbohydrate load by replacing sugar in sweeteners while enriching them with nutrients. One way is to reduce the carbohydrate load by replacing sugar in sweeteners while enriching them with nutrients. For this purpose, a number of studies have been carried out to improve the quality of pastilles through the use of stevia - a natural sweetener and elamin The objects of research are social and economic efficiency. Investigated problem was to calculate the social and economic efficiency from the introduction of the developed marshmallow. Main scientific results: The article presents these calculations of the economic efficiency of the implementation of the development, namely, a decrease in the realizable value of the Exotica pastille by 1.2 % and an increase in the "Smakota" pastille and "Nasoloda" marshmallow by 4.0 and 2.3 %. However, it was found that the integral quality indicator of marshmallow "Nasoloda" exceeds the control by 10.2 %, for the pastille "Exotica" and "Smakota" – by 21.1 and 26.3 %. Scope of practical use of the development is the food industry, namely, the expansion of the range of products with a low glycemic index, increased nutritional value. An innovative technological product is the technology of making pastilles, which has economic and social efficiency. Scope of application of the innovative technological product: The use of the developed pastille products for consumers with a lack of iodine, selenium, iron, obesity patients and diabetes mellitus.
Databáze: OpenAIRE