First measurement of the Sivers asymmetry for gluons using SIDIS data
Autor: | S. V. Donskov, O.Yu. Denisov, M. Pešek, C. Regali, K. Königsmann, Aram Kotzinian, A.S. Nunes, D.V. Peshekhonov, D. Panzieri, Janusz Marzec, T. Grussenmeyer, P.D. Eversheim, R. Beck, A. Kerbizi, M. Wilfert, J. ter Wolbeek, H. Suzuki, C.D.R. Azevedo, A. Maggiora, G.V. Meshcheryakov, Yu. V. Mikhailov, S. Sirtl, C. Adolph, Arseniy Rybnikov, S. Gerassimov, N. Horikawa, F. Giordano, A. Grasso, W.-D. Nowak, F. Tosello, S. Tessaro, F. Tessarotto, Laura Gonzalez Silva, Yu. Kisselev, D. Hahne, J. Nový, R. Salac, M. Ostrick, M. Stolarski, I. Gnesi, Andrew Ivanov, E.R. Bielert, A.G. Olshevsky, F. Krinner, A. Rychter, S.S. Dasgupta, R. Akhunzyanov, Yu.A. Khokhlov, T. Szameitat, R. Longo, G. Nukazuka, P. Kremser, G. D. Alexeev, D.I. Ryabchikov, W. Dünnweber, M. Levillain, C.-Y. Hsieh, S.-U. Chung, E. Seder, M. Krämer, V. Frolov, Soumen Paul, M. V. Zavertyaev, V. Anosov, Franco Bradamante, D. von Harrach, V.N. Kolosov, K. Schönning, F. Thibaud, J. Barth, Celso Augusto Guimarães Santos, M. Ziembicki, T. Sawada, I. J. Choi, E. M. Kabuß, A. Magnon, C. Quintans, M. Tasevsky, Gerhard K. Mallot, E. Mitrofanov, R. Heitz, Miroslav Sulc, I.A. Savin, P. Schiavon, F. H. Heinsius, O.P. Gavrichtchouk, M. Chiosso, Martin Bodlak, L. Sinha, François Herrmann, T. Weisrock, T. Matsuda, A. Zink, Takahiro Iwata, G.V. Khaustov, Fabrice Gautheron, H. Matsuda, V. Tskhay, Alexandr Selyunin, N.S. Rogacheva, K. Kurek, V. Andrieux, Adam Szabelski, M. Meyer, L. Dhara, C. Braun, B. Marianski, M. Grosse Perdekamp, M.G. Alexeev, A.V. Efremov, B. Badelek, S. Uhl, A. Vauth, F. Kunne, Bakur Parsamyan, W. Eyrich, Nour Makke, J. Giarra, W. C. Chang, S. Grabmüller, Michal Dziewiecki, B. Ketzer, M. Roskot, S. Takekawa, Anne-Laure Martin, F. Pereira, A. Antoshkin, S. Platchkov, P. Zavada, H. Schmieden, J.M. Friedrich, W. Meyer, Maria Liz Crespo, J. Pretz, K. Zaremba, M. Slunecka, V.A. Polyakov, S. Huber, V. Jary, V.F. Konstantinov, M. Gorzellik, S. Wallner, S. Ishimoto, Kamil Augsten, E. Zemlyanichkina, H. Fischer, M. Aghasyan, G. Sbrizzai, Johannes Bernhard, Ch. Dreisbach, P. Bordalo, A. Guskov, A. Amoroso, J. Pochodzalla, Yakov Petrovich Kulinich, Andrea Bressan, A. Nagaytsev, N. du Fresne von Hohenesche, F. Balestra, N. I. Zhuravlev, N. Pierre, M. Finger, F. Haas, N. C. R. Makins, K. Bicker, E. Fuchey, R. Birsa, J. Lichtenstadt, C. Riedl, Jan Matousek, M. Quaresma, D. Neyret, Nikolay Anfimov, R. Joosten, S. Dasgupta, J. Vondra, A. Austregesilo, Y.-S. Lian, J.F.C.A. Veloso, K. Kondo, Y. Bedfer, O.M. Kouznetsov, A. Srnka, C. Chatterjee, Z.V. Kroumchtein, V. Duic, W. Augustyniak, S. Ramos, K. Schmidt, P. Sznajder, Andrea Ferrero, Norihiro Doshita, N. d'Hose, D. Steffen, J. Smolik, O. Subrt, A. Lehmann, A. Thiel, Q. Curiel, K. Klimaszewski, Y. Miyachi, A.A. Lednev, Andres Cicuttin, I. Orlov, V.D. Samoylenko, G. Reicherz, S. Dalla Torre, Frank Klein, I. Konorov, A. Sandacz, C. Franco, Jen-Chieh Peng, Markus Ball, Yu. Ivanshin, F. Nerling, G. Hamar, M. Büchele, Mikhail Mikhasenko, M. Faessler, J.H. Koivuniemi, B. Grube, R.P. Kurjata, M. Virius, P. Jörg, S. Levorato, N. Mitrofanov, S. Sarkar |
Přispěvatelé: | Institut de Recherches sur les lois Fondamentales de l'Univers (IRFU), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay, AstroParticule et Cosmologie (APC (UMR_7164)), Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University (PSL)-PSL Research University (PSL)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), COMPASS, Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Paris (UP), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Cité (UPCité), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University (PSL)-PSL Research University (PSL)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7), Institut de Recherches sur les lois Fondamentales de l'Univers ( IRFU ), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives ( CEA ) -Université Paris-Saclay, AstroParticule et Cosmologie ( APC - UMR 7164 ), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique ( CNRS ) -Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS ( IN2P3 ) -Observatoire de Paris-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 ( UPD7 ) -Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives ( CEA ), Adolph, C., Aghasyan, M., Akhunzyanov, R., Alexeev, M. G., Alexeev, G. D., Amoroso, A., Andrieux, V., Anfimov, N. V., Anosov, V., Antoshkin, A., Augsten, K., Augustyniak, W., Austregesilo, A., Azevedo, C. D. R., BadeÅ‚ek, B., Balestra, F., Ball, M., Barth, J., Beck, R., Bedfer, Y., Bernhard, J., Bicker, K., Bielert, E. R., Birsa, R., Bodlak, M., Bordalo, P., Bradamante, F., Braun, C., Bressan, A., Bã¼chele, M., Chang, W. -. C., Chatterjee, C., Chiosso, M., Choi, I., Chung, S. -. U., Cicuttin, A., Crespo, M. L., Curiel, Q., Dalla Torre, S., Dasgupta, S. S., Dasgupta, S., Denisov, O. Y. u., Dhara, L., Donskov, S. V., Doshita, N., Dreisbach, C. h., Duic, V., Quintans, C., Dziewiecki, M., Efremov, A., Eversheim, P. D., Eyrich, W., Ramos, S., Ferrero, A., Finger, M., Fischer, H., Franco, C., du Fresne von Hohenesche, N., Friedrich, J. M., Frolov, V., Fuchey, E., Gautheron, F., Gavrichtchouk, O. P., Gerassimov, S., Giarra, J., Giordano, F., Gnesi, I., Gorzellik, M., Grabmã¼ller, S., Grasso, A., Grosse Perdekamp, M., Grube, B., Grussenmeyer, T., Guskov, A., Haas, F., Hahne, D., Hamar, G., von Harrach, D., Heinsius, F. H., Heitz, R., Herrmann, F., Horikawa, N., D'Hose, N., Hsieh, C. -. Y., Huber, S., Ishimoto, S., Ivanov, A., Ivanshin, Y. u., Iwata, T., Jary, V., Joosten, R., Jã¶rg, P., Kabuãÿ, E., Kerbizi, A., Ketzer, B., Khaustov, G. V., Khokhlov, Y. u. A., Kisselev, Y. u., Klein, F., Klimaszewski, K., Koivuniemi, J. H., Kolosov, V. N., Kondo, K., Kã¶nigsmann, K., Konorov, I., Konstantinov, V. F., Kotzinian, A. M., Kouznetsov, O. M., Krã¤mer, M., Kremser, P., Krinner, F., Kroumchtein, Z. V., Kulinich, Y., Kunne, F., Kurek, K., Kurjata, R. P., Lednev, A. A., Lehmann, A., Levillain, M., Levorato, S., Lian, Y. -. S., Lichtenstadt, J., Longo, R., Maggiora, A., Magnon, A., Makins, N., Makke, N., Mallot, G. K., Marianski, B., Martin, A., Marzec, J., Matouå¡ek, J., Matsuda, H., Matsuda, T., Meshcheryakov, G. V., Meyer, M., Meyer, W., Mikhailov, Y. u. V., Mikhasenko, M., Mitrofanov, E., Mitrofanov, N., Miyachi, Y., Nagaytsev, A., Nerling, F., Neyret, D., Novã½, J., Nowak, W. -. D., Nukazuka, G., Nunes, A. S., Olshevsky, A. G., Orlov, I., Ostrick, M., Panzieri, D., Parsamyan, B., Paul, S., Peng, J. -. C., Pereira, F., Peå¡ek, M., Peshekhonov, D. V., Pierre, N., Platchkov, S., Pochodzalla, J., Polyakov, V. A., Pretz, J., Quaresma, M., Ziembicki, M., Zink, A., Regali, C., Reicherz, G., Riedl, C., Roskot, M., Rogacheva, N. S., Ryabchikov, D. I., Rybnikov, A., Rychter, A., Salac, R., Samoylenko, V. D., Sandacz, A., Santos, C., Sarkar, S., Savin, I. A., Sawada, T., Sbrizzai, G., Schiavon, P., Schmidt, K., Schmieden, H., Schã¶nning, K., Seder, E., Selyunin, A., Silva, L., Sinha, L., Sirtl, S., Slunecka, M., Smolik, J., Srnka, A., Steffen, D., Stolarski, M., Subrt, O., Sulc, M., Suzuki, H., Szabelski, A., Szameitat, T., Sznajder, P., Takekawa, S., Tasevsky, M., Tessaro, S., Tessarotto, F., Thibaud, F., Thiel, A., Tosello, F., Tskhay, V., Uhl, S., Vauth, A., Veloso, J., Virius, M., Vondra, J., Wallner, S., Weisrock, T., Wilfert, M., ter Wolbeek, J., Zaremba, K., Zavada, P., Zavertyaev, M., Zemlyanichkina, E., Zhuravlev, N. |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok vydání: | 2017 |
Předmět: |
hadron: angular distribution
muon+: polarized beam Nuclear Theory Parton muon+ deuteron: deep inelastic scattering hadron: transverse momentum transverse momentum dependence 01 natural sciences COMPASS High Energy Physics - Experiment Subatomär fysik Sivers function High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) photon gluon: fusion Subatomic Physics [PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex] parton Nuclear Experiment media_common Quantum chromodynamics Physics gluon: distribution function deep inelastic scattering: semi-inclusive reaction higher-order: 0 polarized target: transverse hep-ph Deep inelastic scattering Gluon Sivers TMD Nuclear and High Energy Physics lcsh:QC1-999 High Energy Physics - Phenomenology Siver effect: Collins Nucleon Compton scattering numerical calculations: Monte Carlo spin: asymmetry Particle Physics - Experiment Quark Particle physics data analysis method deuteron: polarized target hadron: asymmetry angular distribution: asymmetry neural network media_common.quotation_subject polarization: longitudinal FOS: Physical sciences Asymmetry Nuclear physics [ PHYS.HEXP ] Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex] 0103 physical sciences quantum chromodynamics 010306 general physics Particle Physics - Phenomenology 010308 nuclear & particles physics hep-ex 160 GeV/c High Energy Physics::Phenomenology nucleon: spin: transverse CERN SPS muon+ p: deep inelastic scattering correlation [PHYS.HPHE]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Phenomenology [hep-ph] [ PHYS.HPHE ] Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Phenomenology [hep-ph] High Energy Physics::Experiment absorption lcsh:Physics Lepton experimental results |
Zdroj: | Phys.Lett.B Phys.Lett.B, 2017, 772, pp.854-864. ⟨10.1016/j.physletb.2017.07.018⟩ Physics Letters B Physics Letters B, Elsevier, 2017, 772, pp.854-864. ⟨10.1016/j.physletb.2017.07.018⟩ Physics Letters B, Vol 772, Iss C, Pp 854-864 (2017) Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal (Repositórios Cientìficos) Agência para a Sociedade do Conhecimento (UMIC)-FCT-Sociedade da Informação instacron:RCAAP Phys.Lett.B, 2017, 772, pp.854-864. 〈10.1016/j.physletb.2017.07.018〉 |
ISSN: | 0370-2693 |
Popis: | The Sivers function describes the correlation between the transverse spin of a nucleon and the transverse motion of its partons. It was extracted from measurements of the azimuthal asymmetry of hadrons produced in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering of leptons off transversely polarised nucleon targets, and it turned out to be non-zero for quarks. In this letter the evaluation of the Sivers asymmetry for gluons in the same process is presented. The analysis method is based on a Monte Carlo simulation that includes three hard processes: photon-gluon fusion, QCD Compton scattering and leading-order virtual-photon absorption process. The Sivers asymmetries of the three processes are simultaneously extracted using the LEPTO event generator and a neural network approach. The method is applied to samples of events containing at least two hadrons with large transverse momentum from the COMPASS data taken with a 160 GeV/$c$ muon beam scattered off transversely polarised deuterons and protons. With a significance of more than two standard deviations a negative value is obtained for the gluon Sivers asymmetry. The result of a similar analysis for a Collins-like asymmetry for gluons is consistent with zero. Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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