Fluid status in CAPD patients is related to peritoneal transport and residual renal function: evidence from a longitudinal study

Autor: Konings, C.J.A.M., Kooman, J.P., Schonck, M., Struijk, D.G., Gladziwa, U., Hoorntje, S.J., van der Sande, F.M., van der Wall Bake, A.J., Krediet, R.T., Leunissen, K.M.L.
Přispěvatelé: Interne Geneeskunde, RS: NUTRIM School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism, Nephrology
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 18(4), 797-803. Oxford University Press
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation, 18(4), 797-803. Oxford University Press
ISSN: 0931-0509
Popis: Fluid status in CAPD patients is related to peritoneal transport and residual renal function: evidence from a longitudinal study.Konings CJ, Kooman JP, Schonck M, Struijk DG, Gladziwa U, Hoorntje SJ, van der Wall Bake AW, van der Sande FM, Leunissen KM.Department of Internal Medicine and Nephrology, Academical Hospital Maastricht, The Netherlands.BACKGROUND: Both peritoneal transport characteristics as well as residual renal function are related to outcome in patients treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). It has been suggested that part of this relationship might be explained by an effect of both parameters on the fluid state in CAPD patients or by the relationship between inflammation and peritoneal transport. METHODS: In the present study, the relationship between fluid state [extracellular water (ECW) (sodium bromide); total body water (TBW) (deuterium oxide)] with peritoneal transport characteristics (2.27% glucose dialysate/plasma creatinine [D/P (creat)] ratio), residual renal function (residual glomerular filtration rate [rGFR] by urine collection) and C-reactive protein (CRP) was assessed in 37 CAPD patients in a cross-sectional and longitudinal design, with 25 patients completing the study. RESULTS: In the cross-sectional part ECW, corrected for height (ECW:height), was inversely related to rGFR (r=-0.40, P=0.016), whereas during the longitudinal part, D/P[creat] was related to the change in ECW (r=0.40, P=0.05). Neither D/P[creat] nor rGFR were related to CRP, whereas a significant relationship was observed between ECW:height and CRP (r=0.58, P=0.0001). Patients were dichotomized according to rGFR (2 ml/min). Despite a higher daily peritoneal glucose prescription (216.3+/-60.0 vs 156.5+/-53.0 g/24 h; P=0.004) and peritoneal ultrafiltration volume (1856+/-644 vs 658+/-781 ml/24 h, respectively; P=0.0001), the patients with a rGFR 2 ml/min (12.5+/-3.8 vs 9.2+/-2.2 l/m, respectively; P=0.003). Results for TBW were comparable. CONCLUSION: Fluid state was significantly related to peritoneal transport characteristics and rGFR. The larger ECW:height in CAPD patients with a negligible rGFR existed despite a higher peritoneal ultrafiltration volume and higher peritoneal glucose prescription. These findings raise doubts as to whether fluid state in CAPD patients with a diminished rGFR can be adequately controlled on standard glucose solutions without an additional sodium and fluid restriction. The preliminary finding of a relationship between CRP and fluid state might suggest a relationship between overhydration and inflammation.
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