Brain energy state in elderly women living in the north

Autor: L. F. Startseva, A. V. Gribanov, I L Bolshevidceva, A N Nekhoroshkova, I S Deputat
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: The article presents the results of a study of brain energy metabolism in elderly women living in the North. The assessment was carried out by registering brain constant potential. The level of constant potential was analyzed using a 12-channel hardware and software diagnostic complex "Neyroenergometr-coms" in the unipolar leads. Obtained characteristics of constant potential distribution were compared with the average reference information of the respective age period, built in the complex software. The study revealed changes in the level of constant potential distribution in all parts of the brain in elderly women living in the North, compared with reference values. It is stated in rising of constant potential consolidate figures, all leads absolute values which can be estimated as ecologic adaptation to the northern conditions. Rising of brain constant potential level in elderly women-northerners in comparison with reference values is implemented by means of its growth in all spheres that shows brain functional stress and loss of space capacity. We also found the principle of conservation of the dome-shaped distribution of brain constant potential in the elderly northerners, with a tendency to deformation; relative decrease of the hemispheric differences and high interindividual variability of constant potential data; regional leveling that can be connected to decrease of cortex specialty in aging process
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