Type I fatty acid synthase (animal FAS) trapped in the octanoyl-bound state

Autor: Paithankar, K. S, Rittner, A, Grininger, M
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2785016
Popis: Raw dataset for x-ray crystal structure published inType I fatty acid synthase (animal FAS) trapped in the octanoyl-bound state DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pro.3797 De novofatty acid biosynthesis in humans is accomplished by a multidomain protein, the type I fatty acid synthase (FAS). Although ubiquitously expressed in all tissues, fatty acid synthesis is not essential in normal healthy cells due to sufficient supply with fatty acids by the diet. However, FAS is overexpressed in cancer cells and correlates with tumor malignancy, which makes FAS an attractive selective therapeutic target in tumorigenesis. Herein, we present a crystal structure of the condensing part of murine FAS, highly homologous to human FAS, with octanoyl moieties covalently bound to the transferase (MAT) and the condensation (KS) domain. The MAT domain binds the octanoyl moiety in a novel (unique) conformation, which reflects the pronounced conformational dynamics of the substrate binding site responsible for the MAT substrate promiscuity. In contrast, the KS binding pocket just subtly adapts to the octanoyl moiety upon substrate binding. Besides the rigid domain structure, we found a positive cooperative effect in the substrate binding of the KS domain by a comprehensive enzyme kinetic study. These structural and mechanistic findings contribute significantly to our understanding of the mode of action of FAS and may guide future rational inhibitor designs. This work was supported by a Lichtenberg grant of the Volkswagen Foundation to M.G. (grant number 85701). This project was further supported by the LOEWE program (Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz) of the state of Hesse and was conducted within the framework of the MegaSyn Research Cluster.  
Databáze: OpenAIRE