Abundance and Components of the Ulva fasciata Delile 1813 northern coast of Havana City, Cuba

Autor: Ruben Cabrera, Jhoana Díaz-Larrea, Mercedes Cano Mallo, Arsenio José Areces Mallea
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3601245
Popis: The aim of this work was to determine the abundance of Ulva fasciata in a re ato sector in Havana City, Cuba. The natural populations of the Ulva fasciata are characterizedin a rising sector in the Western Caribbean coast, Havana City between Quibú and Jaimanitas rivers.The present study was carried out between March 2018 and January 2019. Significant differences were found in the places, years and months for the biological variable and the hydrographic monitored U. fasciata inclined. It was found U. fasciata was not distributed in a similar way in the entire examinated sector and the availability of nutrients take part in a decisive way.The components of nitrogen and phosphorus in the seawater and the differences in the extent of variation in them justify the differences in the nutritional state (C, N, and P) of U. fasciata and show the opportunistic re ato of the species. These environmental conditions are unvariable on time, which allows the presence of the species during the whole year.
Databáze: OpenAIRE