Stereotaxic biopsy of brain-stem tumours in children

Autor: Vijay K. Kak, Chhang Wh, Rajwanshi A, Banerjee Ak
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Child's Nervous System. 6:409-411
ISSN: 1433-0350
Popis: Stereotaxic biopsies were performed in a series of 14 patients with clinical and computed tomographic evidence of a brain-stem lesion. Seven of these cases were in the paediatric age group (under 15 years of age). Biopsies were obtained by means of the Leksell stereotaxic system, through the transcerebellar (three cases) or transfrontal route (four cases). A definite tumour diagnosis could be obtained in all cases. No patients were subjected to open biopsy, as the further management of their tumours did not warrant surgery. One patient developed transient oculomotor nerve palsy. There was no mortality related to the biopsy procedure in this series. The biopsy technique and its utility and safety are discussed.
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