A feasibility study on production of concrete blocks using treated municipal solid waste leachate

Autor: Nima Heidarzadeh, Negar Esmaeili
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Environmental science and pollution research internationalReferences. 29(25)
ISSN: 1614-7499
Popis: Increased water demand due to population growth and industrialization has led to increased water consumption. Hence, it is required to find an alternative to water in different industries. Concrete represents a remarkable water-consuming industry. The present study investigates whether the treated leachate of municipal landfills can be employed as a substitute for water in the concrete mixing scheme. For this purpose, concrete samples fabricated at different concentrations of treated leachates were compared to the control sample containing distilled water in terms of unconfined compressive strength (UCS) at the ages of 7 and 28 days. The experimental results revealed treated leachate accelerated the cement setting time by nearly 15 min and increased concrete slumping by 16%. The complete replacement of distilled water with treated leachate decreased UCS by 25% (from 50 to 38 MPa). The scanning electron microscope (SEM) and ultrasonic results showed that a rise in the treated leachate content of concrete increased porosity. Increased porosity would reduce UCS. Leaking of heavy metals existing in the leachate should be also investigated for the solidified matrices. The toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) revealed that heavy metals leaching in all the samples are in the acceptable range. Results have shown that the use of leachate up to a concentration of 20% can be used in concrete, and the solidified product can also stabilize the pollutants, successfully. It is a valuable finding because using treated leachate as a practical additive in the concrete can prevent environmental contamination.
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