The Determinants and Interest on Mobile Commerce Adoption among East Coast Entrepreneurs in Malaysia

Autor: Samad, Nur Syafiqah A., Rahman, Azira Hanani Ab., Hassan, Hasannuddiin, Yaziz, Mohd Fathi Abu, Muhamad, Siti Fariha
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5203098
Popis: Mobile commerce among rural entrepreneurs is still in the infancy stage. This study investigates the determinants and interest of mobile commerce usage among east coast entrepreneurs in Malaysia regarding purchase and sale activities. A questionnaire was adopted and adapted from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and previous empirical studies. 400 questionnaires were distributed through online and face-to-face survey methods for the east coast entrepreneurs in Malaysia. The purposive and snowball sampling method was applied in this study. 360 samples were subsequently analysed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis aided by SPSS 26.0. The study found that social influence was the most significant factorin mobile commerce utilisation among east coast entrepreneurs in Malaysia. About 71.1% of east coast entrepreneurs in Malaysia were interested in mobile commerce in expanding their business network at least once a month. It high-lighted that the mobile commerce adoption has good attention from east coast entrepreneurs in Malaysia. The finding obtained that the east coast entrepreneursin Malaysia were ready for implementing mobile commerce in their business ac-tivities. Hence, it added significantly to bridging the knowledge gap concerningthe infancy rate of mobile commerce usage among rural entrepreneurs. This em-pirical study provides significant input to all stakeholders, including government, relevant stakeholders (e.g. entrepreneurs, supply chain industry, telecommunications industry, and ICT industry), and local communities to strategise further in-itiative mainly for society, economic and country development.
Databáze: OpenAIRE