The effect of the acidic tail on the DNA-binding properties of the HMG1,2 class of proteins: insights from tail switching and tail removal

Autor: Keng-Boon Lee, Jean O. Thomas
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Journal of molecular biology. 304(2)
ISSN: 0022-2836
Popis: The high-mobility group (HMG) proteins HMG1, HMG2 and HMG2a are relatively abundant vertebrate DNA-binding and bending proteins that bind with structure specificity, rather than sequence specificity, and appear to play an architectural role in the assembly of nucleoprotein complexes. They have two homologous “HMG-box” DNA-binding domains (which show about 80 % homology) connected by a short basic linker to an acidic carboxy-terminal tail that differs in length between HMG1 and 2. To gain insights into the role of the acidic tail, we examined the DNA-binding properties of HMG1, HMG2b and HMG2a from chicken erythrocytes (corresponding to HMG1, HMG2 and HMG2a in other vertebrates). HMG1, with the longest acidic tail, is less effective than HMG2a and 2b (at a given molar input ratio) in supercoiling relaxed, closed circular DNA, in inducing ligase-mediated circularisation of an 88 bp DNA fragment, and in binding to four-way DNA junctions in a gel-shift assay. Removal of the acidic tail increases the affinity of the HMG boxes for DNA and largely abolishes the differences between the three species. Switching the acidic tail of HMG1 for that of HMG2a or 2b gives hybrid proteins with essentially the same DNA-binding properties as HMG2a, 2b. The length (and possibly sequence) of the acidic tail thus appears to be the dominant factor in mediating the differences in properties between HMG1, 2a and 2b and finely tunes the rather similar DNA-binding properties of the tandem HMG boxes, presumably to fulfill different cellular roles. The tail is essential for structure-selective DNA-binding of the HMG boxes to DNA minicircles in the presence of equimolar linear DNA, and has little effect on the affinity for this already highly distorted DNA ligand, in contrast to binding to linear and four-way junction DNA.
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