Lessons Learned From Managing the Planning and Implementation of Inactivated Polio Vaccine Introduction in Support of the Polio Endgame

Autor: Simona Zipursky, Manish M. Patel, Chantal Laroche Veira, Lee M. Hampton, Yann Folly, Alejandro Ramirez Gonzalez, Margaret Farrell, Emily Wootton, Tasleem Kachra, Feyrouz Kurji
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: The Journal of Infectious Diseases
ISSN: 1537-6613
Popis: The Immunization Systems Management Group (IMG) was established as a time-limited entity, responsible for the management and coordination of Objective 2 of the Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan. This objective called for the introduction of at least 1 dose of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) into the routine immunization programs of all countries using oral polio vaccine (OPV) only. Despite global vaccine shortages, which limited countries’ abilities to access IPV in a timely manner, 105 of 126 countries using OPV only introduced IPV within a 2.5-year period, making it the fastest rollout of a new vaccine in history. This achievement can be attributed to several factors, including the coordination work of the IMG; high-level engagement and advocacy across partners; the strong foundations of the Expanded Programme on Immunization at all levels; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance’s vaccine introduction experiences and mechanisms; innovative approaches; and proactive communications. In many ways, the IMG’s work on IPV introduction can serve as a model for other vaccine introductions, especially in an accelerated context.
Databáze: OpenAIRE