Mitrovica İlçesindeki Dini Anıtların Lehinde ve Tahrifatında Kültürel Miras ve Siyasi Etkiler

Autor: HAJZERİ, Pajazit
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Volume: 8, Issue: 2 490-498
Tarih ve Gelecek Dergisi
ISSN: 2458-7672
Popis: Monuments of Cultural Heritage in Kosovo together with a large number of religious monuments of Christian as well as Islamic worship were posed to political influences and had to change the identity for which they are called upon. The issue which this paper will address is that of Boletini Church in Mitrovica (Sokolica Monastery). The church in question served as a sanctuary (synagogue) of the accountants of Boletini family who owned the Millstone mine. This sanctuary, which later is converted into an Orthodox church, belongs to the nineteenth century and in 1956 is declared a women’s monastery. The history of religions teaches us that most of the monasteries had their own properties and population who protected the monastery, performed rituals, and paid taxes to the monastery. Sokolica Monastery is not found in any of the medieval sources as allegedly being from XIII-XIV centuries. At the same time, there is no population identified with this monastery and the monastery did not have even a yard of its own. All the surrounding property was occupied by Serbian regime during the time when Kosovo was occupied by Serbia. All the monastery properties were properties of Isa Boletini’s family that were unjustly taken by the Serbian regime during the reconquest, while after the war ended in 1999, this act was also assisted by the Kosovo institutions for their own political interests and individual benefits.
Databáze: OpenAIRE