Autor: Anam Naz, Maryam Shabir, Malik Sheraz Riaz, Farukh Jawad, Prof .Dr. Ashfaq Ahmad, Prof. Dr. Syed Shakil Ur Rehman
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3270869
Popis: Background: Hemiplegia is a physical damage that can happen in childhood following head suffering, or transient ischemic occurrence (stroke), brain lump, or hereditary or perinatal injury. Most disabling symptom of hemiplegia is one sided impaired arm and hand function. Constraint Induced therapy is emerging as an intervention that is used to increases the upper extremity function affected by brain injury in hemiplegic children. Vibration therapy is considered important for fitness and plays an important role in muscle strengthening and induces relaxation. This review summarizes the importance of CIMT with vibration therapy on hand function of upper extremity in hemiplegic CP. Methods: A single blinded randomized, controlled sample of pediatric CIMT in which forty children were identified with hemiplegic cerebral palsy age (5–12) years old. All participants that included in this study were school going. They were randomly assigned to two groups. One group received Constraint induced therapy combined with vibration therapy and the other were received Constraint Therapy. Base line treatment of both groups was Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT). Functional skills of children such as upper limb activities were assessed in special education and hospital settings by Jebsen Taylor Hand Function scale. Results: The Patients receiving Constraint Induced Movement therapy with vibration therapy improved more having Mean and standard deviation to be (10.50±.513) and Mean difference (0.115) as compared to Constraint Induced Movement Therapy with Mean and standard deviation (5.55±.510) and Mean difference of (.114). Since the p value was 0.00, (< 0.05) we rejected the null hypothesis. Conclusion: Constraint Induced movement therapy with combination of vibration therapy performed significantly better as compared to that of constraint induced therapy without vibration therapy. Keywords: Constraint Induced Movement Therapy, Vibration Therapy, Hemiplegic CP
Databáze: OpenAIRE