A two-way molecular dialogue between embryo and endosperm required for seed development

Autor: Nicolas M. Doll, Thomas Widiez, Michael Hothorn, Andreas Schaller, Annick Stintzi, Satoshi Fujita, S. Royek, Niko Geldner, Gwyneth C. Ingram, Satohiro Okuda
Přispěvatelé: Reproduction et développement des plantes (RDP), École normale supérieure - Lyon (ENS Lyon)-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Jagiellonian University [Krakow] (UJ), Department of Plant Molecular Biology, Université de Lausanne (UNIL), Structural Plant Biology Laboratory, Department of Botany and Plant Biology, University of Geneva, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-École normale supérieure - Lyon (ENS Lyon), Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie = Jagiellonian University (UJ), École normale supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon)-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lausanne = University of Lausanne (UNIL)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: BioRxiv
BioRxiv, 2019, ⟨10.1101/809368⟩
Popis: The plant embryonic cuticle is a hydrophobic barrier deposited de novo by the embryo during seed development. At germination it protects the seedling from water loss and is thus critical for survival. Embryonic cuticle formation is controlled by a signaling pathway involving the protease ALE1 and the receptor-like kinases GSO1 and GSO2. We show that a sulfated peptide, TWISTED SEED1 (TWS1) acts as a GSO1/GSO2 ligand. Cuticle surveillance depends on the action of ALE1 which, unlike TWS1 and GSO1/2, is not produced in the embryo but in the neighboring endosperm. Cleavage of an embryo-derived TWS1 precursor by ALE1 releases the active peptide, triggering GSO1/2-dependent cuticle reinforcement in the embryo. A bidirectional molecular dialogue between embryo and endosperm thus safeguards cuticle integrity prior to germination.One Sentence SummarySubtilase-mediated activation of the TWISTED SEED1 peptide provides spatial cues during embryo cuticle integrity monitoring.
Databáze: OpenAIRE