Additional file 5: of Identification of genes directly responding to DLK1 signaling in Callipyge sheep

Autor: Yu, Hui, Waddell, Jolena, Shihuan Kuang, Tellam, Ross, Cockett, Noelle, Bidwell, Christopher
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.6181595
Popis: Transcript abundance of RPLP0 in 7 muscles. Least square means and standard errors for log transcript abundance are shown for each muscle and genotype, callipyge (+/C) and normal (+/+). The hypertrophied muscles are LD, SM, ST, and TB and the non-hypertrophied muscles are SS, IS and HT. RPLP0 was used as a control to confirm equivalent RNA input into cDNA synthesis and qPCR assays. No significant differences were detected between the two genotypes in all the muscles analyzed. (PDF 21Â kb)
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