Reconstruction of the Derivative of the Conductivity at the Boundary

Autor: Felipe Ponce-Vanegas
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: BIRD: BCAM's Institutional Repository Data
Inverse Problems and Imaging
Popis: We describe a method to reconstruct the conductivity and its normal derivative at the boundary from the knowledge of the potential and current measured at the boundary. The method of reconstruction works for isotropic conductivities with low regularity. This boundary determination for rough conductivities implies the uniqueness of the conductivity in the whole domain \begin{document}$ \Omega $\end{document} when it lies in \begin{document}$ W^{1+\frac{n-5}{2p}+, p}(\Omega) $\end{document} , for dimensions \begin{document}$ n\ge 5 $\end{document} and for \begin{document}$ n\le p .
Databáze: OpenAIRE