TransAID Deliverable 6.2/2 - Assessment of Traffic Management Procedures in Transition Areas

Autor: Lücken, Leonhard, Schwamborn, Matthias, Mintsis, Evangelos, Koutras, Dimitris, Karagounis, Vasilios, Correa, Alejandro, Sepulcre, Miguel, Coll Perales, Baldomero, Thandavarayan, Gokulnath, Blokpoel, Robbin, Zhang, Xiaoyun, Huisken, Giovanni, Boerma, Steven, Maerivoet, Sven, Carlier, Kristof, Pápics, Péter, Ons, Bart, Tourwé, Stef, Banse Bueno, Olaf Angelo, Schindler, Julian
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: This Deliverable 6.2 of the TransAID project presents and evaluates the simulation results obtained for the scenarios considered during the project's first and second iterations. To this end, driver- and AV-models designed in WP3, traffic management procedures developed in WP4, and V2X communication protocols and models from WP5 were implemented within the iTETRIS simulation framework. Previous main results from Deliverable 4.2, where baseline and traffic management measures without V2X communication were compared, have been confirmed. While not all TransAID scenarios' traffic KPIs were affected, the realistic simulation of V2X communication has shown a discernible impact on some of them, which makes it an indispensable modelling aspect for a realistic performance evaluation of V2X traffic scenarios. Flaws of the first iteration's traffic management algorithms concerning wireless V2X communication and the accompanying possibility of packet loss were identified and have been addressed during the project's second iteration. Finally, lessons learned while working on these simulation results and assessments have additionally been described in the form of recommendations for the real-world prototype to be developed in WP7. We conclude that all results obtained for all scenarios when employing ideal communication confirmed the statistical trends of the results from the original TM scenarios as reported in Deliverable 4.2 where no V2X communication was considered. Furthermore, the performance evaluation of the considered scenarios and parameter combinations has shown the following, which held true in both the first and second iterations: (1) The realistic simulation of V2X communication has an impact on traffic scenarios, which makes them indispensable for a realistic performance evaluation of V2X traffic scenarios. (2) Traffic management algorithms need to account for sporadic packet loss of various message types in some way. (3) Although important, the realistic modelling and simulation of V2X communication also induces a significant computational overhead. Thus, from a general perspective, a trade-off between computation time and degree of realism should be considered.
Databáze: OpenAIRE