The Energy Performance for Lighting in Buildings According to the New EN 15193-1: Potential Energy Saving due to Different Photodimming Controls

Autor: Valerio Roberto Maria Lo Verso, Chiara Aghemo, Anna Pellegrino
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe).
Popis: The standard EN 15193-1:2007 “Energy performance of buildings - Energy requirements for lighting” was deeply revised in 2017. The new version introduced a more detailed method to calculate the daylight supply in a space and the consequent energy demand for lighting also considering a wider number of daylight responsive automated lighting controls (stepped and dimmed). This paper quantifies the potential energy savings due to the four typologies of dimmed controls included in the standards, with respect to a manual on/off switch. The savings were calculated for a typical office room with different daylight factors, located in four cities across Europe. For each site and for each lighting control, the minimum daylight factor able to guarantee minimum savings of 20% or of 30% was highlighted, and some combinations of room variables (window size and visible transmittance, obstruction angles, etc) yielding such daylight factor values were presented.
Databáze: OpenAIRE