The Maintenance of Archive Collections in Times of Constricting Budgets: Some Alternative Approaches under Development on the UK

Autor: Jonathan Rhys-Lewis
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Atlanti
ISSN: 1318-0134
DOI: 10.33700/2670-451x.26.2.105-112(2016)
Popis: The paper will outline the key objectives for collections care and analyse the direct impacts on long-term preservation resulting from austerity measures. The particular focus will be on local government funded archive services that carry a statutory duty to preserve archive collections. What has been the effect on standards? The author considers how standards are developing and where he feels the emphasis has changed to reflect the change in funding. The availability and access to both government and private funding will also be assessed and how funding criteria are driving preservation decisions. What options are there for improving storage and managing collections? How can archive services reduce and manage risk when the status of archive services is constantly under review and resources are scarce? The need for robust collecting and preservation policies is becoming a key strand of the response from both archivists and conservator-restorers. Additionally, this paper will investigate the increased challenges of promoting preservation in the absence of experienced, professional staff, and how the use of volunteers is shaping policy. The presentation will then assess the capacity and efficacy of the commercial sector in assisting with the maintenance and development of collections. The author hopes that by outlining current approaches in the UK, other countries will feel more confident to consider and explore similar models.
Databáze: OpenAIRE