The electron–phonon coupling constant for single-layer graphene on metal substrates determined from He atom scattering

Autor: Salvador Miret-Artés, J. R. Manson, Giorgio Benedek
Přispěvatelé: CSIC - Unidad de Recursos de Información Científica para la Investigación (URICI), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Popis: 11 pags., 3 figs., 1 tab. -- We adknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit Information Resources for Research (URICI)
Recent theory has demonstrated that the value of the electron–phonon coupling strength l can be extracted directly from the thermal attenuation (Debye–Waller factor) of helium atom scattering reflectivity. This theory is here extended to multivalley semimetal systems and applied to the case of graphene on different metal substrates and graphite. It is shown that l rapidly increases for decreasing graphene–substrate binding strength. Two different calculational models are considered which produce qualitatively similar results for the dependence of l on binding strength. These models predict, respectively, values of lHAS = 0.89 and 0.32 for a hypothetical flat free-standing single-layer graphene with cyclic boundary conditions. The method is suitable for analysis and characterization of not only the graphene overlayers considered here, but also other layered systems such as twisted graphene bilayers.
This work is partially supported by a grant with Ref. FIS2017-83473-C2-1-P from the Ministerio de Ciencia (Spain). We also acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)
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