Additional file 7 of Investigation of de novo mutations in a schizophrenia case-parent trio by induced pluripotent stem cell-based in vitro disease modeling: convergence of schizophrenia- and autism-related cellular phenotypes

Autor: Hathy, Edit, Szabó, Eszter, Varga, Nóra, Erdei, Zsuzsa, Csongor Tordai, Boróka Czehlár, Máté Baradits, Jezsó, Bálint, Koller, Júlia, Nagy, László, Molnár, Mária Judit, Homolya, László, Nemoda, Zsófia, Apáti, Ágota, Réthelyi, János M.
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13297027.v1
Popis: Additional file 7: Supplementary Table 2. List of downregulated DE genes in NPC-SZ-HU-PROB compared to both NPC-SZ-HU-FA and NPC-SZ-HU-MO.
Databáze: OpenAIRE