Cunninghamella verrucosa H. Zhao & X. Y. Liu 2022, sp. nov

Autor: Wang, Yu-Jie, Zhao, Ting, Wu, Wen-Ying, Wang, Mu, Liu, Xiao-Yong
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7050426
Popis: Cunninghamella verrucosa H. Zhao & X.Y. Liu, sp. nov., Figure 2. Fungal Names: FN570978 Etymology: verrucosa (Lat.) referring to the species producing broken pedicels on the surface of vesicles. Holotype: HMAS 351937. Colonies on PDA at 25 ˚C for 5 days, reaching 90 mm in diameter, more than 15 mm high, firstly white, soon becoming gray, floccose, irregular at margin. Hyphae flourishing, branched, aseptate when young, septate when old, 2.8–15.7 μm in diameter. Rhizoids root-like, very developed. Stolons present. Sporangiophores arising from aerial hyphae, erect, or slight bent, always broaden upwards, usually unbranched, occasionally simply branched, monopodial. Septa underneath vesicles if present. Vesicles usually clavate and oval, sometimes subglobose, hyaline or subhyaline, rough, sometimes with lipid droplets, and usually with one to several broken pedicels on surface, 10.8–31.6 μm long and 7.5–20.8 μm wide. Apophyses distinct, hyaline or subhyaline, 2.9–7.8 µm high, gradually widened, 3.3–6.3 µm wide at the base, and 4.5–10.8 µm wide at the top. Pedicels distinct, 2.6–6.1 μm long, bearing pedicels. Sporangiola borne on pedicels, globose with thick spines, 10.9–17.6 μm in diameter. Chlamydospores absent. Zygospores unknown. Materials examined: China, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, 23°11’47.59”N, 113°22’50.61”E, from soil sample, 28 February 2022, Ting Zhao and Wen-Ying Wu (holotype HMAS 351937, living ex-holotype culture CGMCC 3.16111, and living culture XY09506).
Published as part of Wang, Yu-Jie, Zhao, Ting, Wu, Wen-Ying, Wang, Mu & Liu, Xiao-Yong, 2022, Cunninghamella verrucosa sp. nov. (Mucorales, Mucoromycota) from Guangdong Province in China, pp. 274-284 in Phytotaxa 560 (3) on page 280, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.560.3.2,
Databáze: OpenAIRE