Frequent Occurrence of c-Ki-ras Gene Mutations in Well Differentiated Endometrial Adenocarcinoma Showing Infiltrative Local Growth with Fibrosing Stromal Response

Autor: Ryuichiro Tsunematsu, Kazuo Ohmi, T Sonoda, T Yamada, Jiko K, Hirohashi S, Hitoshi Tsuda, Yajima M, Kenjiro Tanemura
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: International Journal of Gynecological Pathology. 14:255-259
ISSN: 0277-1691
DOI: 10.1097/00004347-199507000-00010
Popis: Summary: The frequency of c-Ki-ras mutation was examined by polymerase chain reaction (single-strand conformation polymorphism and direct sequencing analysis) and its association with histological parameters was analyzed in 110 endometrial adenocarcinoma hysterectomy specimens. The c-Ki-ras mutation was detected in 24 cases (22%). It occurred irrespective of tumor size, stage or histological grade, and was more frequent in tumors associated with endometrial hyperplasia (11 of 20, 55%) than in those without (10 of 73, 14%) In addition, the frequency of the mutation was significantly higher in tumors showing an infiltrative growth pattern accompanied by a stromal response consisting of edematous fibrous tissue (19 of 58, 33%), than in those which revealed an expansive growth pattern without such a stromal reaction (five of 52, 10%). Even among tumors showing the infiltrative growth pattern, the frequency of c-Ki-ras mutation was especially high (48%) in grade I cases in comparison with grade II or III cases (20% and 19%). Mutational activation of the c-Ki-ras gene may act at two points in the developmental pathway of endometrial adenocarcinoma by enhancing evolution of hyperplasia to adenocarcinoma, and by producing an infiltrative growth with a fibrosing stromal response.
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