The unity of theory and practice and the role of supervising internships in this construction

Autor: Iana Vasconcelos Moreira Rosado, Rivânia Lúcia Moura de Assis
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Revista Katálysis, Volume: 15, Issue: 2, Pages: 203-211, Published: DEC 2012
Popis: Este artigo apresenta reflexões sobre a unidade teoria-prática no âmbito do Serviço Social, apontando os principais dilemas que a perpassam, tendo como base o estágio supervisionado. Busca particularizar o estágio como o momento potencializador dos grandes questionamentos sobre o sentido atribuído à relação entre a teoria e a prática e as formas como se expressa essa relação no cotidiano profissional. Discorre sobre o papel fundamental que a supervisão de estágio assume como processo didático-pedagógico, capaz de articular as dimensões teórico-metodológica, ético-política e técnico-operativa, as quais compõem a formação e o exercício profissional. This article presents reflections on the unity of theory and practice in the realm of Social Work, pointing to the main dilemmas related to the issue, based on the supervised internship. It seeks to particularize internships as moments that give potential to strong questionings about the meaning attributed to the relationship between theory and practice and to the ways that this relationship is expressed in the daily work of the professional. It looks at the fundamental role that the supervision of internships has in the didactic-pedagogical process, which is capable of articulating the theoretical-methodological, ethical-political and technical-operative dimensions that compose education and professional activity.
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