Autor: M. S. Viswanathan* & Prof. Dr. K. Jothimani
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7497310
Popis: There are two types of puthra Sogam. One is no child. Another is child with disability or childdied before parents. The effect of the fifth bhava by Rahu/ Kethu is very important factor forthis.
{"references":["1.\tJothidaSagalathikaram–written by Dr. PulippaniSundaraVarathachariyar published by Sri AnanthaNilayam,chennai. 2.\tSathaganoolwritten by Prof. Tmt. Sathyabhamakameswaran Published by SaraswathiMahal Library, Tanjore. 3.\tPhavagabalan written by KeezhavalavuK.SubraManiampublshed by Sri AuromirraPrasuram, Salem. 4.\tVedhalingabattar'sJathagaparijatham written by DevaSenathipathi published by Sri Indhu Publications,Chennai."]}
Databáze: OpenAIRE