Application of telemedicine in infectious diseases

Autor: Carlos Monfort-Vinuesa, Pedro Gil-López, Germán Ramírez-Olivencia, Tomás Chivato-Pérez, David Coca-Benito, Tatiana Mata-Forte
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clinica (English ed.). 41(1)
ISSN: 2529-993X
Popis: Infectious pathologies can benefit from the application of Telemedicine (TM). This study provides a description of the infectious pathology treated by the Telemedicine Service of the Hospital Central de la Defensa Gómez Ulla (STM-HCDGU).Analysis of the e-consultations made by members of the Armed Forces of Spain displaced to the area of operations in the period between 01/1/2015 and 31/12/2018 who developed symptoms of infectious diseases.127 infectious diseases were diagnosed, the most frequent being those of respiratory etiology and later malaria. Geographically Africa and embarked contingents were the most significant. It was necessary to evacuate 18 patients to the HCDGU, being the diagnosis of malaria the most frequent reason for evacuation, cause of the only fatal case.infectious diseases benefit from the application of TM, being an important tool for the diagnosis and treatment of these, constituting an opportunity to expand to other displaced or remote populations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE