Detección de cardiopatía en escolares chagásicos y no chagásicos de Combarbalá, IV Región, Chile

Autor: Inés Zulantay A, Werner Apt B, Arturo Arribada C, Ximena Aguilera M, Jorge Rodríguez T
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Revista chilena de pediatría v.67 n.3 1996
SciELO Chile
Popis: Cried, and serolog'C studies rot Chagas disease end for electrocardiographyc evidence of myocardicl cb^ormality were oerfonned every four mon'hs clong a one year period to 1 1 5 school male end female chilcrer (ages 9 "o 8, mecn 13.7 years), 55 infected and 60 non infected by rypa;'osarr.a cruzi, from Combarbala, at the IVth (Coauimboi Regio-, Oie. All suD^ecIs were symptom free and ri'ia serologic status (either positive or negative indirect inminohuorescense.. indirect hemaglutination and EIJSA recctions rot trypanosomiasisl did not change in anyone of them along the whole study period, nevertherless ther electrocardiographyc records snowec evidence included for chagasic cardio-nyopathy by PAHQ criteria in 22 (40%) of infected children Most frequent electrocardiograohvc abnormal'ties in these patients were prolonged QT interval and "ncomplete right buncle b'anch block. Elecrroccraiographyc signs hat were not considered among PAHO criteria for suspectec chagasic cofdiorr.yopathy were de'ecled ii 7.3% and 6.7% of infected and non infec:ed children respectively. Ninety one percent o chagasic patients wth sig^s of sugeslng soecif'c carciomyopathy had at least one ncrnal elect'ocardiocram scnetime along the fcllovy-up period. This las: finding was not seen in patients considerec to have ccrdiopathy of ano'her ethiclogy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE