Studies On The Biodiversity Of Freshwater Ornamental Fishes, Tamilnadu, India

Autor: M. Lekeshmanaswamy
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1308110
Popis: Freshwater ornamental fish diversity of Tamilnadu, India was recorded during January 2012 to December (14 species), Poecilidae and Osphronemidae (7 species), Cobitidae (6 species), Osteoglossidae (5 species), Callichthyidae and Mastacembelidae (3 species each), 2012. During the survey period, a total number of 122 ornamental fish species were identified belonging to 78 genera, 29 families and 10 orders. Cichlidae family represented maximum number of fish species (33 species) followed by the family Cyprinidae (21 species), Characidae Doradidae, Loricariidae and Pimelodidae (2 species each) and other 17 femilies (1 species each). The study shows that about 43% of fish species is in not evaluated (NE), 39% fish species is in least concern (LC), 7% of fish species is in vulnerable (VU), 6% of fish species is in endangered (EN), 2% of fish species is in Lower rick (LR/cd) and being either Critically Endangered (CR), Near Threatened (NT) and Data Deficient (DD).
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