Arthroscopic Treatment of Posttraumatic Elbow Pain and Stiffness

Autor: Laura A. Timmerman, James R. Andrews
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 22:230-235
ISSN: 1552-3365
Popis: Nineteen consecutive cases of posttraumatic arthrofi brosis of the elbow secondary to a fracture or fracture- dislocation and treated with arthroscopic debridement and manipulation were retrospectively reviewed. All of the patients had pain and stiffness in their elbows, and all had failed a conservative therapy program. All 19 patients were followed postoperatively for an average of 29 months (range, 12 to 51). One hundred-point scoring systems were used to evaluate subjective (pain, swell ing, locking, and activities) and objective (range of mo tion) results.The average preoperative subjective score of 39 im proved to 91 postoperatively (P= 0.0001); the objective score improved from 46 preoperatively to 81 postop eratively (P = 0.0001). Extension improved from a mean of 29° to 11 °; flexion improved from an average of 123° to 134°. Fourteen patients had limitations in their sports activity preoperatively; 11 were able to return to their preinjury levels of activity after surgery.This study demonstrated good-to-excellent overall re sults in 79% of the patients treated with arthroscopic debridement for posttraumatic elbow arthrofibrosis. Al though complete return of preinjury motion was not ob tained, each patient showed a significant improvement in motion and subjective symptoms.
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