Subsystem symmetry enriched topological order in three dimensions

Autor: Dominic J. Williamson, David T. Stephen, Arpit Dua, José Garre-Rubio
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Physical Review Research
ISSN: 2643-1564
Popis: We introduce a model of three-dimensional (3D) topological order enriched by planar subsystem symmetries. The model is constructed starting from the 3D toric code, whose ground state can be viewed as an equal-weight superposition of two-dimensional (2D) membrane coverings. We then decorate those membranes with 2D cluster states possessing symmetry-protected topological order under line-like subsystem symmetries. This endows the decorated model with planar subsystem symmetries under which the loop-like excitations of the toric code fractionalize, resulting in an extensive degeneracy per unit length of the excitation. We also show that the value of the topological entanglement entropy is larger than that of the toric code for certain bipartitions due to the subsystem symmetry enrichment. Our model can be obtained by gauging the global symmetry of a short-range entangled model which has symmetry-protected topological order coming from an interplay of global and subsystem symmetries. We study the non-trivial action of the symmetries on boundary of this model, uncovering a mixed boundary anomaly between global and subsystem symmetries. To further study this interplay, we consider gauging several different subgroups of the total symmetry. The resulting network of models, which includes models with fracton topological order, showcases more of the possible types of subsystem symmetry enrichment that can occur in 3D.
21 pages. v2: Published version. Updated Section IV with new figure and table
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