[Regulation of pyruvate transport in mitochondria by thyroid hormones]

Autor: Turakulov IaKh, Mirmakhmudova Si, Gaĭnutdinov MKh
Zdroj: Yalkin Turakulov
Europe PubMed Central
Popis: During thyroidectomy, the stimulating action of the catalytic amounts of a thermostable fraction of rat liver and diaphragm cytoplasm on Ca2+ transport in mitochondria, which indicates the decrease of the activity of an insulin-dependent cytoplasmic regulator (IDR) in insulin target organs. Thyroidectomized rats also manifested a decrease in blood insulin and glucose concentrations. Administration of the physiological doses of thyroxine produced an increase in both blood glucose concentration and IDR activity in the liver and diaphragm of thyroidectomized rats. Experiments with measuring the kinetics of the swelling of deenergized mitochondria in isoosmotic solution of ammonium pyruvate demonstrated the inhibition of liver mitochondrial swelling in thyroidectomized rats.
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