The fine structure of the human glomerular basement membrane

Autor: Stanley M. Kurtz, J.F.A. McManus
Rok vydání: 1960
Zdroj: Journal of Ultrastructure Research. 4:81-87
ISSN: 0022-5320
DOI: 10.1016/s0022-5320(60)80008-1
Popis: A study of the human renal glomerulus was undertaken to discern clearly the fine structure of the lamina densa. The methods of preparation included routine methacrylate sections, sections with methacrylate removed, both shadowed and unshadowed, sections treated with PTA or uranyl acetate, and sections of material previously treated with periodic acid methenamine silver. The best of the routine sections revealed a feltwork fine structure, but of such low contrast that convincing micrographs were almost impossible to obtain. All of the other special preparations failed to enhance this detail except uranyl acetate, which was found to produce a significant increase in contrast of the lamina densa. High magnification now clearly revealed the presence of a partially oriented feltwork of 30–40 A fibrils which appeared to be different lengths in different portions of a continuous segment of lamina densa. Many fibrils were seen to traverse the electron-lucent zones between the lamina densa and the epithelial-cell foot processes on one side and endothelial-cell cytoplasm on the other.
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