Research of reasons of appeals of the concerned population after medicare: in the aspect of independent maintenance of health

Autor: Zayukov, Ivan
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1311119
Popis: Attitude of respondents is educed toward an own health, their behavior during an address to the doctor. The analysis of reasons of refuses is conducted by the concerned citizens from addresses to medical establishments. Investigational, that more main reason of refuse of address to medical establishments is independent treatment. Main reason is certain of appearance at work the concerned citizens in the sickly state − loss of profit. The analyzed reasons of appeal of the concerned citizens are in medical establishments of Ukraine. It is found out, that the ponderable factor of increase of level of motivation of the concerned population in direction of timely address to medical establishments of Ukraine is development of effective mechanism of self-preservation of him human capital − health. Frequency of admissions of working days is investigational on illness by the concerned citizens.
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