Endocontics morfology of the second inferior molar

Autor: Nicolau Fonseca Milano, Alberto Fritsch Pansiera
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de Porto Alegre; v. 36, n. 1 (1995); 12-14
ISSN: 0566-1854
Popis: Considering that the second inferior molar is a tooth of large anatomic variation, we have proposed ourselves to anatyse some aspects of the internal and external morphology of its roots. The external morphology, 67,64% was visually evaluea, gathering the teet with differentiated, fused or single roots. The internal morphology was examinea after wear of mesial and distal roots to altow examination in the mesiodistalginge. One hundred and two teeth have been examined. As for the external morphology we found that 75,49% show differentiated roots, 18,62% fused roors and 5188% single roots. As for the internal morphology we found that 5,88% with one root canal 7,84% with two root canals, 67164% with three root canals and 18,62% with four root canals.
Considerando que o segundo molar inferior é um dente de grandes variações anatômicas, propusemo-nos a analisar alguns aspectos da morfologia interna e externa de suas raízes. A morfologia externa foi avaliada visualmente, agrupando-se os dentes com raízes diferenciadas, fusionadas ou únicas. A morfologia interna foi examinada após desgaste das raízes mesiais e distais de forma a permitir o exame no sentido mésio-distal. Dos 102 dentes examinados, achamos quanto a morfologia externa que 75,49% apresentam raízes diferenciadas, 18,62% fusionadas e 5,88% únicas. Quanto a morfologia interna encontramos 5,88% com um canal, 7,84% com dois canais, 67% com três canais e 18,62% com quatro canais.
Databáze: OpenAIRE