Additional file 1: of Validity, reliability and responsiveness to change of the Italian palliative care outcome scale: a multicenter study of advanced cancer patients

Autor: Costantini, Massimo, Rabitti, Elisa, Beccaro, Monica, Fusco, Flavio, Peruselli, Carlo, Ciura, Pietro La, Valle, Alessandro, Suriani, Cinzia, Berardi, Maria, Valenti, Danila, Mosso, Felicita, Morino, Piero, Zaninetta, Giovanni, Tubere, Giorgio, Piazza, Massimo, Sofia, Michele, Leo, Silvia Di, Higginson, Irene
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3627611_d2.v1
Popis: Problems encountered by the Palliative Care professionals in filling in the POS (version 1 for the staff). (DOCX 21 kb)
Databáze: OpenAIRE