Training and Characterization of 1.5m Long Conduction Cooled Superconducting Undulator Coils with 20 mm Period Length

Autor: Grau, Andreas, Boffo, Cristian, Casalbuoni, Sara, Gerhard, Thomas, Glamann, Nicole, Holubek, Tomas, Saez De Jauregui, David, Turenne, Melanie, Walter, Wolfgang
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: The Institute for Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and the company Babcock Noell GmbH (BNG) are running an R&D program on superconducting undulators (SCUs). The collaboration is working on a SCU with 20 mm period length (SCU20) for ANKA, the test facility and synchrotron radiation source, run by the IBPT. The 1.5 m long undulator coils have been tested in a conduction-cooled environment. This contribution describes the training, the stability and the thermal behavior of the coils.
Proceedings of the 8th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf., IPAC2017, Copenhagen, Denmark
Databáze: OpenAIRE