Reply to Gilbert: On the relationship between association and altruism

Autor: Xin Lu, Changcao Wang
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115(14)
ISSN: 1091-6490
Popis: Gilbert (1) contends that the observed heritability and fitness consequence of helping behavior in ground tits (2) should be explained by mechanisms involved in individual association, instead of by those underlying altruism per se. This contention rests largely on the association theory proposed by Gilbert himself, which was believed to have potential to replace the current dominant paradigm of social theory (3). We show in our critical response to his questions that this theory might not be the case. Individuals are able to interact when they are coming together. The simple logic leads to the core idea of Gilbert’s theory (3): association is a necessary prerequisite … [↵][1]1To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: luxinwh{at} [1]: #xref-corresp-1-1
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