Additional file 14: of HOTAIR and its surrogate DNA methylation signature indicate carboplatin resistance in ovarian cancer

Autor: Teschendorff, Andrew, Shih-Han Lee, Jones, Allison, Fiegl, Heidi, Kalwa, Marie, Wagner, Wolfgang, Kantaraja Chindera, Evans, Iona, Dubeau, Louis, Orjalo, Arturo, Horlings, Hugo, Niederreiter, Lukas, Kaser, Arthur, Yang, Winnie, Goode, Ellen, Fridley, Brooke, Jenner, Richard, Berns, Els, Wik, Elisabeth, Salvesen, Helga, G. Wisman, Zee, Ate Van Der, Davidson, Ben, Trope, Claes, Lambrechts, Sandrina, Vergote, Ignace, Calvert, Hilary, Jacobs, Ian, Widschwendter, Martin
Rok vydání: 2015
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3639527_d3.v1
Popis: HOTAIR DNAme score in ovarian cancer cell lines and MSCs depending on number of passages after stable HOTAIR transfection (ovarian cancer cells) or after starting in vitro culture (MSCs). The HOTAIR DNAme score is the Pearson correlation coefficient between the 67-CpG HOTAIR DNAme signature and the corresponding DNAme profile of each of the cell lines. Whereas neither HOTAIR expression nor passage number had an impact on the correlation coefficient in ovarian cancer cell lines, early passage (multipotent) MSCs (irrespective of whether they had been irradiated or not) showed a much stronger association with the 67-CpG HOTAIR signature than higher passage (senescent) MSCs (from the same individuals). (PDF 128 kb)
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