Autor: Dr Abroo Fatima Qazi, Dr Din Muhammad Shaikh, Komal Siddiqui, Dr Navaid Kazi, Dr Yar Muhammad Nizammani
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483151
Popis: Background: Poly unsaturated Omega-3-Fatty Acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have been widely acclaimed as having a broad spectrum of therapeutic properties. These Fatty acids have been reported to show beneficial effects in improving the diabetic pathologies like insulin resistance and its consequent dyslipidemia. Objectives Of Study: To observe the health beneficial effects of long chain omega-3-fatty acids on reversing the insulin resistance and correction of its consequent dyslipidemia in Streptozocin induced diabetic rats. Subjects And Methods: An experimental – analytical study was conducted at the ISRA University, Hyderabad and Sindh Agricultural University, Tandojam. 75 Male Wistar Albino rats were selected for this study and were divided into 5 groups, Control group A and experimental groups B,C,D and E, comprising of 15 rats in each group. Group A was taken as non-diabetic control group and was given normal chow diet while group B was taken as diabetic control after inducing diabetes via Streptozocin 65 mg /kg body weight. Omega-3-fatty acids were given in 03 different doses 0.3g, 0.4g and 0.5g per kg body weight to experimental groups C, D and E respectively in which diabetes was induced with Streptozocin similar to diabetic control group. Animal were handled under close supervision during 3 month’s duration experiment. The blood samples and pancreatic tissue were stored and processed in a systemic way. Blood glucose and serum insulin were determined according to standard methods. HOMA-IR was calculated to assess insulin resistance. Pancreatic tissue was used RT-PCR. Collected data was analyzed on SPSS version 21.0. (IBM, corporation, USA) P-value of significance was taken at 0.05. Results: Blood glucose lowering activity of O3FAs was observed at 03 different doses(0.3g, 0.4g and 0.5g). Serum insulin was improved to near normal in experimental groups C,D and E by O3FAs. The O3FAs treated animals revealed expression of major regulatory pancreatic transcription factors like PDX1 & NKX6.1 at different doses. Conclusion: It is concluded that O3FAs by upregulating NKX6.1 and PDX1 genes, transactivated the insulin gene and reduced insulin resistance and dyslipidemia in STZ induced diabetic Wistar rats. Keywords: Omeg-3-Fatty Acids, PDX1, NKx6.1, Insulin Resistance, Dyslipidemia.
Databáze: OpenAIRE