Factors Related To Learning Achievement in Elementary School Children (SD) in North Balikpapan District, 2019

Autor: Andraini, Rus, Tini, Handry Darussalam, Fitriani Agustina
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3653606
Popis: School children are a very important state asset as human resources for the success of national development. School children are children aged 7-12 years, have a stronger physical individual characteristics and are active and not dependent on parents. School children are a very important state asset as human resources for the success of national development. Good nutritional status will affect the process of growth and development of children, one of which can improve intellectual abilities that will have an impact on learning achievement in school. Malnutrition can cause some serious effects such as failure of physical growth, decreased intelligence development and decreased resistance to disease and increased risk of morbidity and death. This study aims to determine the relationship between nutritional status with learning achievement in elementary school children (SDN). The benefit of this research is to produce enrichment of teaching materials, scientific works which are published in national journals and as a source of information for the community about good nutritional status so as to produce good learning achievements in school children. The type of research carried out in this study is Analytic descriptive, with cross sectional design, that is data concerning the dependent variable and the independent variable are collected and observed at the same time. This research was carried out in elementary schools located in the district of North Balikpapan, with a population of 9 elementary schools and 2 primary schools. The sample of this study is school children aged 7-12 years, the estimated size of the sample used in this study uses the formula. Univariate analysis is performed with descriptive analysis to see the characteristics of each variable studied. Bivariate analysis was performed using the Chi Square test (x2) to determine the relationship of each independent variable with related variables.
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