Comparison of two statistical approaches to a solution of the stochastic radiative transfer equation

Autor: M. V. Tarasenkov, Vladimir V. Belov, I. V. Kirnos
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Russian physics journal. 2016. Vol. 58, № 12. P. 1767-1770
Popis: The method of direct simulation of photon trajectories in a stochastic medium is compared with the method of closed equations suggested by G. A. Titov. A comparison is performed for the model of the stochastic medium in the form of a cloudy field of constant thickness comprising rectangular clouds whose boundaries are determined by a stationary Poisson flow of points. It is demonstrated that the difference between the calculated results can reach 20–30%; however, in some cases (for some sets of initial data) the difference is limited by 5% irrespective of the cloud cover index.
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