Collision Dynamics during the Electrooxidation of Individual Silver Nanoparticles

Autor: Henry S. White, Bo Zhang, Yuwen Liu, Stephen M. Oja, Martin A. Edwards, Donald A. Robinson, Nicholas J. Vitti
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of the American Chemical Society. 139:16923-16931
ISSN: 1520-5126
Popis: Recent high-bandwidth recordings of the oxidation and dissolution of 35 nm radius Ag nanoparticles at a Au microelectrode show that these nanoparticles undergo multiple collisions with the electrode, generating multiple electrochemical current peaks. In the time interval between observed current peaks, the nanoparticles diffuse in the solution near the electrolyte/electrode interface. Here, we demonstrate that simulations of random nanoparticle motion, coupled with electrochemical kinetic parameters, quantitatively reproduce the experimentally observed multicurrent peak behavior. Simulations of particle diffusion are based on the nanoparticle-mass-based thermal nanoparticle velocity and the Einstein diffusion relations, while the electron-transfer rate is informed by the literature exchange current density for the Ag/Ag+ redox system. Simulations indicate that tens to thousands of particle–electrode collisions, each lasting ∼6 ns or less (currently unobservable on accessible experimental time scales), con...
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