Povezanost polimorfizma gena za interleukin-10 (-1082g/a) s tipom 2 šećerne bolesti i mikrovaskularnim komplikacijama u hrvatskoj populaciji

Autor: Jerko Barbić, Silvija Canecki-Varžić, Tamara Alkhamis, Ines Bilic-Curcic, Silvio Mihaljević, Jasenka Wagner, Ivana Škrlec, Ivana Prpić-Križevac
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Acta Clinica Croatica, Vol 57., Iss 1. (2018)
Acta clinica Croatica
Volume 57.
Issue 1.
Acta Clinica Croatica
ISSN: 1333-9451
Popis: Interleukin (IL)-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine, and a decrease in its secretion is associated with obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. However, it has not been established whether the intensity of the immune response during diabetes-associated chronic inflammation affects the devel-opment and/or progression of type 2 diabetes and its microvascular complications. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-1082G/A for IL-10 gene in development of diabetes type 2 and its complications. DNA was extracted from blood cells of 240 overweight/obese subjects for IL-10 genotyping. Based on the presence of diabetes type 2, patients were divided in two groups: experimental group of 144 patients with diabetes type 2 and control group of 96 age- and gender-matched subjects without diabetes. Compared to control group, diabetic group had higher levels of leukocytes (p=0.012), fibrinogen (p=0.049) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) (p=0.009), and lower levels of albumin (p=0.001). There were no differences in the frequency of SNP-1082G/A for IL-10 gene between the two groups (p=0.654). When considering diabetes related traits in all subjects in relation to specific genotype, a group with homozygous (AA) genotype had higher values of the mean fasting glucose (p
Smanjena sekrecija protuupalnog citokina interleukina (IL)-10 opisana je u debljini, metaboličkom sindromu i tipu 2 šećerne bolesti (T2ŠB). Međutim, nije utvrđeno može li intenzitet imunog odgovora tijekom kronične upale utjecati na razvoj i/ili progresiju dijabetesa kao i razvoj mikrovaskularnih komplikacija. Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti povezanost polimorfizma gena (SNP) -1082G/A za IL-10 s razvojem T2ŠB i kroničnih komplikacija. DNK za genotipizaciju se ekstrahirala iz krvnih stanica 240 adipoznih ispitanika koji su podijeljeni u dvije skupine: u eksperimentalnoj skupini bilo je 144 bolesnika s T2ŠB, a u kontrolnoj skupini 96 ispitanika usklađenih prema spolu i dobi. U skupini s T2ŠB nađene su više vrijednosti leukocita (p=0,012), fibrinogena (p=0,049) i inhibitora aktivacije plazminogena-1 (PAI-1) (p=0,009) te niže koncentracije albumina (p=0,001) nego u kontrolnoj skupini. Nije bilo statističke razlike u frekvencijama -1082G/A polimorfizma gena za IL-10 (p=0,654). Kada su se gledali ishodi za specifični genotip u svih ispitanika, ispitanici s homozigotnim genotipom (AA) imali su značajno više koncentracije glukoze natašte (p
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