Biomass Resources from Landscape Conservation and Maintenance Works. The Bottom-Up Spatially Explicit Potentials in Four European Regions

Autor: Daniel Garcia Galindo, Gómez-Palmero, M., Clalüna, A., Doležal, J., Filippi, F., Mazzari, A., Ludewig, K., Lenz, K., Bergmann, M.
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
DOI: 10.5071/24theubce2016-1ao.4.3
Popis: Land conservation and infrastructure management works (LCMW) are carried out mainly in the public interest or by public order or law to e. g. During the execution of LCMWs it is usual to produce biomass residues like grass from road-side cleaning, or wood from fire prevention works. greenGain is a coordination and support action aiming to raise awareness on the availability of LCMW biomass sources for energy production. A biomass assessment for LCMW residues has been applied for 7 counties or municipalities in four EU28 countries. The biomass assessment has required a bottom-up approach, including actions like: close contact with local companies and administrative bodies, adapting local inventories, interpreting territory to create new inventories or carrying out field work. The work exemplifies how an assessment for LCMW biomass can be implemented at local scale. It also shows the results of road and tracks side cleaning, waterways and reed removal, maintenance of hedgerows on field banks, or maintenance of green areas. A set of best practices for biomass assessments at local scale for LCMW are presented as main contribution.
Proceedings of the 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 32-48
Databáze: OpenAIRE