Can anti-PGL-I antibody isotypes differentiate leprosy contacts and leprosy patients?

Autor: Andressa Almeida Albuquerque, Camilla dos Santos Mateus, Raphael de Oliveira Rodrigues, Évely Sampaio Lima, Lucas Oliveira Lima, Rayane Lima da Silva, Maria Amanda Mesquita Fernandes, Alexandre Casimiro de Macedo, Clódis Maria Tavares, Paula Sacha Frota Nogueira, Aparecida Tiemi Nagao-Dias
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Pathog Glob Health
Popis: BACKGROUND: Serological tests for antibody measurement in leprosy have a series of limitations in discriminating contacts and patients. The present paper intends to evaluate if association of more than one antibody isotype in serum samples may be a useful tool in leprosy diagnosis. METHODS: This study evaluated 395 leprosy contacts and 71 leprosy index cases living in endemic municipalities in Northeastern Brazil. The participants were evaluated according to their anti-phenolic glycolipid antigen-I isotype (PGL-I) profile. Serum anti-PGL-I IgM, IgG, and IgA were measured by indirect ELISA. RESULTS: A strong association was found for antibody positivity in MB leprosy index cases. The odds ratios were 6.11 (95% CI 3.08 – 12.16) for IgM, 3.31 (1.66 – 6.61) for IgG, and 16.97 (8.39 – 34.2) for IgA. For IgM associated with one or more isotypes, the OR was 21.0 (95% CI 10.11 – 43.64), and for IgG + IgA, the OR was 17.58 (6.23 – 49.54). The highest diagnostic sensitivity of 76.0% (95% CI 61.8 – 86.9) was observed for IgM, and the lowest value was 24.1% (13.0 – 38.2), which was observed for IgG + IgA isotypes. Regarding presumptive positive predictive values, the lowest value was obtained for IgM at 24.7% (95% CI 18.1 – 32.3), and the highest values were observed for IgM+ one or more isotypes and for IgG + IgA isotype at 60.0% (44.3 – 74.3) and 66.7% (41.0 – 86.7), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The present work demonstrated that by associating two or more positive antibody isotypes, the risk of facing a real case of leprosy may increase.
Databáze: OpenAIRE