Event-related brain potentials as a measure of performance on WISC-III and WAIS-R NI similarities sub-tests

Autor: J.F. Connolly, Y. Marchand, A. Major, R.C.N. D'Arcy
Rok vydání: 2006
Popis: Communication difficulties are a common consequence of brain injury and neuropathological processes. Equally common is the inability to assess intellectual functioning in many communication-impaired populations because the aphasia and physical disability of such patients prevents measurable performance on traditionally administered tests of mental functioning. This study demonstrates that concept formation abilities can be assessed using event-related brain potentials. It also provides further evidence for the efficacy of this innovative assessment method in which standardized and validated psychometric tests are formatted for computer presentation and simultaneous recording of neural activity, which serves as the response measure in lieu of verbal/behavioral responses.
Databáze: OpenAIRE