W cieniu długów, sąsiedzkich sporów, zajazdów i procesów. Obraz Chryzostoma Karpia (1650–1714), posesjonata z powiatu słonimskiego

Autor: Sławomir Karp
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Rocznik Lituanistyczny 2020, 6, p. 167-196.
ISSN: 2450-8454
DOI: 10.12775/rl.2020.6.08
Popis: The article presents the figure of Chryzostom Karp (1650–1714) a rich landowner from the Slonim County. The owner of seven large estates was wasting time on bloody disputes with neighbours and constant lawsuits. In addition, he was not interested in managing his own properties. As a result, the economy of his estates suff ered, and he lost most of them. On the example of his biography as well as the attidudes of other influential representatives of noble families from this area (Szyszko, Wolk-Laniewski, Jacynicz) the specific behaviour of the local nobility at the turn of the eighteenth century was shown.
Databáze: OpenAIRE