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A atuacao de academicos indigenas e de artistas indigenas vem transformando o cenario interetnico de Roraima, uma vez que esses sujeitos fazem frente as imagens estereotipadas que o discurso colonial constroi sobre os povos indigenas. Ao fazerem isso, constroem imagens contra-coloniais que remetem a nocao benjaminiana de uma historia “a contrapelo”, reindigenizando o espaco urbano, ocupando com destaque o meio universitario, exercendo papeis que antes eram impedidos de exercer, sobretudo o de mediadores interculturais. A arte contemporânea e a producao cultural e academica dos indigenas, portanto, sao maneiras de relacionar valores e saberes ancestrais com novos meios de expressao, tendo nas imagens mais um elemento das disputas interetnicas. Palavras-chave: arte indigena contemporânea; academicos indigenas. BETWEEN TRAPS AND SHORTCUTS: INDIGENOUS ACADEMICS AND INDIGENOUS ARTISTS IN THE INTERETHNIC CONTEXT OF RORAIMA Abstract: The work of indigenous scholars and indigenous artists has transformed the interethnic scenery of Roraima, since these subjects face the stereotyped images builded by the colonial discourse on indigenous peoples. In doing so, they construct counter-colonial images, that refer to Benjamin's notion of a story “against the grain”, reindigenizing the urban space, occupying prominently the university environment, playing roles that were previously prevented from exercising, especially of intercultural mediators. Contemporary art and the cultural and academic production of indigenous people are therefore ways of relating ancestral values and knowledge with new means of expression, with images as an element of interethnic disputes. Keywords: contemporary indigenous art; indigenous academics. |