Romantic Attachment and Subtypes/Dimensions of Jealousy

Autor: Giorgio Consoli, Mario Catena Dell'Osso, Francesco Albanese, Donatella Marazziti, Stefano Baroni, Emanuela Laquidara
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health : CP & EMH
ISSN: 1745-0179
Popis: The present study explored the possible relationship between romantic attachment and jealousy in 100 healthy subjects. The romantic attachment and jealousy were evaluated by means of, respectively, the “Experiences in Close Relationships” questionnaire (ECR), and the “Questionario della Gelosia” (QUEGE). The ECR anxiety scale was related to all QUEGE dimensions, while the ECR avoidance scale to three. Individuals with the preoccupied attachment style showed higher scores than secure subjects on the obsessionality, interpersonal sensitivity and fear of loss dimensions. Fearful-avoidant individuals had higher score than secure subjects on the fear of loss dimension only, while dismissing individuals had lower scores on the self-esteem dimension.These findings suggest that romantic attachment and jealousy are intertwined.
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