Microalgae, in Spatial Assessment of the Drainage Basin, Influences on the Ecosystem of Lake Agmon, Israel

Autor: Sophia Barinova, Thomas Smith, Petro Tsarenko
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Applied Microbiology; Volume 2; Issue 1; Pages: 197-214
ISSN: 2673-8007
DOI: 10.3390/applmicrobiol2010014
Popis: Based on the collected data on the diversity of microalgae and environmental indicators in dry and wet seasons during 2011–2018, from 45 samples, 59 species of microalgae were identified in the ornithological object—Lake Agmon in the Hula Valley. In the samples of periphyton and microphytobenthos, diatoms predominated. Bioindication analysis and statistical mapping revealed the most pronounced zones of influence on the lake ecosystem, as well as indicators of the environment and diversity that clearly demonstrate them. The correlation between the distribution of TDS of water over the lake surface and the distribution of green, diatom microalgae and cyanobacteria detected two areas of impact from the old channel of the Jordan River in the northwestern part and from the drainage channel in the northeastern parts of the lake. The area on the east coast, in contact with the resting fields of migratory birds, has provided nutrients that stimulate the development of green algae and cyanobacteria. This showed implicit links in the lake ecosystem using bioindicators make it possible to recommend them for monitoring in combination with statistical mapping, which visualizes the distribution of data and is easily accessible for the decision-making system for the management of a protected ornithological lake.
Databáze: OpenAIRE